29 May 2013

The Baking Experiment Presents: ‘Flaming Lips’ Cupcakes

I have been a little bit behind on my baking lately as my job has taken over much of my time in the last couple of weeks. And while my love for baking is still very much an important part of my life the actual act of baking was put on hold for a couple of weeks. That changed very quickly when my dear old colleague (and partner in crime for the adventures of Mr Claus) Joe approached me with a very special request.

Email from 23/05

7 May 2013

Does this make my bum look big? On how we see ourselves & self-esteem

"In the words of Oscar Wilde 'Be yourself; everyone else is taken'." - Carol Lake*

Every morning on my way into work I walk past a newspaper and magazine stand. The last time I actually bothered to take a look at any of the magazines on their shelves I, unsurprisingly, found most magazines trying to entice me to buy them by promising me a quick and easy way to the perfect body. Taking their offer seriously I should have the perfectly tall, lean, muscular body structure with long legs, straight, white teeth, long fingers (but not toes) and radiant skin that I have always dreamed of.