21 March 2013

I Now Declare You Hus.. I Mean Wife And Wife: Thoughts On Same-Sex Marriage

My friend got married in November. It was like many other weddings, big white dress, cake, lots of relatives and friends all gathered to celebrate two people in love making a commitment. Everyone dressed up, everyone bought presents. We danced, we ate, we had fun. 

It was the first (and so far only wedding) I had the pleasure of attending. My friend Ness looked beautiful and so did her bride. Her bride you may ask, yes, her bride. Not only was this my first wedding but also my first ‘gay’ (or shall we say same-sex?) wedding. 

7 March 2013

Playing By The Rules: The Game of Life and Love

I love games. Big fan. Cannot begin to describe how much I love them. Board games that is. Monopoly, Yahtzee, Poker, Game of Life, you name it. I may not be good at them, I may never win, but I will still play. Every time.

Its easy to enjoy a game with friends because in the end its not about winning or losing. It is about spending time with people you love, about having a good time, sharing a laugh. Making memories in the process. Some of my fondest childhood and teenage years memories involve board games. The hours mum, my brother and I spending hours playing card and Yahtzee. A. teaching me poker. My Tassie friends and I playing Monopoly for 7 hours straight.  

4 March 2013

On Hobson's Choice* Or Why Choices Are Hard to Make

Jean-Paul Satre famously once said: “We are our choices.” We all make them. Every day. Some are easy; some are hard. But without making choices we wouldn’t be able to live our lives. Should I wear the black dress or the blue one? The leopard print flats or red heels? Cereal or toast? Herbal or black tea? Wine or Cider? Chocolate or Crisps? All those are questions you can probably answer without giving them much thought. Sure, they may be answered differently depending on the day, the time, the mood you are in.

But what about those difficult decisions? Those that require thought and appear, not matter how we twist and turn things, to never quite lead to what we want?