13 August 2013

Is your Twitter usage impacting on your sex life? OkCupid thinks so!

*Warning: If you find blog posts about sex and related topics offensive then please do not read on, because this is what this post is all about. Deal with it*

We have all heard of OkCupid; some of us might even be on it, whether we like to admit it or not. I will not judge you if OkCupid is your choice of online dating device, or if you choose to online date. As a matter of fact I find the idea of online dating rather fascinating, as it is hard for me to imagine how it could work successfully. In saying so, however, I have to admit that I have some friends who have met their significant other online and they seem perfectly nice and normal.

8 August 2013

The Baking Experiment Presents: Frankfurter Kranz Cupcakes

As some of you may know I started a new job earlier this year. Doing PR properly has been challenging and fun and I have learned a whole lot since graduation. My old office was the perfect ground for trying new cupcake recipes and I used to bake at least once a week. Joe in particular was always excited when I turned up to work with an armful of colourful boxes.

7 August 2013

Overcoming my writer’s block: Or why it is a good idea to let people surprise you

I am sat at my big worktable in a place I like to call my little paradise: our house in the south of France. It’s been 4 days since I stepped of the plane from London and into the peace and serenity of a place I call home. Bikini top and shorts, skin glistening with sunscreen; it is 28 degrees and slightly cloudy today. Perfect weather for writing. Except that, as might have been obvious by the lack of posts, I have suffered from the worst writer’s block. Yes there have been times when I have felt uninspired but never has the draught lasted aslong as this.