17 January 2014

The Baking Experiment presents: Joe’s Cookie Monster Cupcakes

It has been a while since I posted anything baking related and that leaves me with contemplating two possible answers as to why that is the case: a) I have been too busy socialising or b) too lazy to bake. And while, in conclusion I will probably have to admit that it is most likely a combination of the two, I knew it was about time I slapped on an apron, turned on the oven and got out the glitter.

10 January 2014

New Year’s resolutions or learning to like myself a bit more

“No one could ever hate me as much as I hate myself, okay? So any mean thing someone's going to think of saying about me, I've already said to me, about me, probably in the last half hour.”
- Hannah, Girls

Its 10 days into 2014 and I am now back in London and back to reality after a relaxing 2 weeks at home. 2 weeks of no writing, hardly any emails and nothing more than time with my dog (not that she appreciated it), my family (they were glad to ship me back to London by the end) and my friends (sadly missed).