12 December 2013

Parole Emil: The National Theatre’s Production of ‘Emil and the Detectives’

It was my birthday last weekend, so I had the perfect excuse to do something fun and treat myself to a theatre ticket. My old housemate N volunteered to be my date and as the birthday girl I got to pick the play.

Now, I love the theatre and try to go on a regular basis but in the 3 years I have lived in London now I have never managed to make it to the National Theatre. The plays that I wanted to see had always either been sold out or I was away or I just ran out of time. However, when I saw that they were putting on a production of one of my favourite books from my childhood I knew this would be the play to go see at the National.

10 December 2013

Colleges, Coffee and Coxes: A weekend in Oxford

A weekend away can do wonders. I have had a few not so great weeks and desperately needed some time away from London. Don’t get me wrong I love London and could not ask for a greater place to live but sometimes, very occasionally, I need to leave London and breathe some fresh English country side air.

5 December 2013

Cocktails, Chatter and Chin-Chins: A night at Happiness Forgets

I am normally not much of an East London girl. Shoreditch and surroundings are just that little bit too cool for me; I never quite feel like I can keep up with everyone. Does not mean that every now and again I venture East for a night out. Or a hair cut in fact – I love Amy at Taylor Taylor enough to hop on train to Shoreditch every couple of weeks. 

4 December 2013

Do you know how to reel? The University Lodges' Ball

Its been nearly two weeks now that a group of my friends and I went to the University Lodges' Ball and I thought it was about time I blogged about it. Not just because it was a fantastic night but also because it is an event that, if it ever happens again, I would strongly recommend you go to.

2 December 2013

Isabella Blow: Fashion Galore – A review

Today turned out to be a rather nice winter Sunday in London. I love doing something a bit cultural on a Sunday and Somerset House just by Covent Garden is one of my favourite destinations for exact such an occasion on a Sunday. This weekend I went to see the Isabella Blow exhibition with my friend Suz. 

If you grew up and live in England and love fashion then you have most likely heard of the legendary Isabella Blow.

20 November 2013

Would you like an Espresso Martini with your Haircut? The magic of Taylor Taylor

Finding the perfect hairdresser is a nightmare. Getting someone to cut and/or colour your hair requires a certain level of trust and chemistry. If you hairdresser fails to understand what you are asking them then there is only one end to the story: a Hairtrostophe. 

22 October 2013

The awkward truth about silence or why silence really can be golden

Silence speaks where words cannot”

It all starts with a story. We were having a dinner party for a couple of close friends the other day. While I was making custard to go with the dessert (we had baked apples in case you were wondering) one of my friends comes into the kitchen to have a little private catch-up. After all we hadn’t seen each other in a couple of weeks and quite a few things had happened since then. She was catching me up about her new ‘boyfriend’ (she hates the word, or so she says) and was asking about how the boy and me were doing.

4 October 2013

About facing your past and letting go

We all hold onto things in our past. Places, things, people. Sometimes it is because we are nostalgic, sometimes it is because they remind us of happier times, and sometimes it is because there is something that is holding us back. Stopping us from letting go.

13 August 2013

Is your Twitter usage impacting on your sex life? OkCupid thinks so!

*Warning: If you find blog posts about sex and related topics offensive then please do not read on, because this is what this post is all about. Deal with it*

We have all heard of OkCupid; some of us might even be on it, whether we like to admit it or not. I will not judge you if OkCupid is your choice of online dating device, or if you choose to online date. As a matter of fact I find the idea of online dating rather fascinating, as it is hard for me to imagine how it could work successfully. In saying so, however, I have to admit that I have some friends who have met their significant other online and they seem perfectly nice and normal.

8 August 2013

The Baking Experiment Presents: Frankfurter Kranz Cupcakes

As some of you may know I started a new job earlier this year. Doing PR properly has been challenging and fun and I have learned a whole lot since graduation. My old office was the perfect ground for trying new cupcake recipes and I used to bake at least once a week. Joe in particular was always excited when I turned up to work with an armful of colourful boxes.

7 August 2013

Overcoming my writer’s block: Or why it is a good idea to let people surprise you

I am sat at my big worktable in a place I like to call my little paradise: our house in the south of France. It’s been 4 days since I stepped of the plane from London and into the peace and serenity of a place I call home. Bikini top and shorts, skin glistening with sunscreen; it is 28 degrees and slightly cloudy today. Perfect weather for writing. Except that, as might have been obvious by the lack of posts, I have suffered from the worst writer’s block. Yes there have been times when I have felt uninspired but never has the draught lasted aslong as this.

19 June 2013

OMG You Guys: The Six Friends Everybody Needs

Having friends is great. I love my friends. Some of them a little too much, one might say. I will go above and beyond for the people I truly care about and as an inherently social being am to be found out and about most evenings. And weekends for the matter. Some weeks I don’t really see my housemates because I come in once they are asleep and wake up as they are leaving just to rush around before work. 

12 June 2013

When Flat Hunting feels like Online Dating: The adventures of finding a new home in London

About 2 weeks ago I signed up to spareroom.co.uk. Having happily cohabitated with 2 of my friends for the last year in Arsenal (you know the footie is on when your room smells like onions on a Saturday morning or you can’t get onto the tube on a Wednesday night) our lease is almost up and we are all moving to pastures new. N has bought a cosy little flat a little further north in yummy mummy town aka Crouch end S will go back to being a student. That means I will be homeless in about 8 weeks time unless I find another abode, preferably with some lovely people who will eventually become friends as well as flatmates. I always complain that I never meet new people anymore (despite the fact that I have trouble seeing all my friends on a regular basis already) so making new friends via a lovely new flat share seemed like a good idea. That is how I have come to call spareroom.co.uk my new and temporary “home”.

29 May 2013

The Baking Experiment Presents: ‘Flaming Lips’ Cupcakes

I have been a little bit behind on my baking lately as my job has taken over much of my time in the last couple of weeks. And while my love for baking is still very much an important part of my life the actual act of baking was put on hold for a couple of weeks. That changed very quickly when my dear old colleague (and partner in crime for the adventures of Mr Claus) Joe approached me with a very special request.

Email from 23/05

7 May 2013

Does this make my bum look big? On how we see ourselves & self-esteem

"In the words of Oscar Wilde 'Be yourself; everyone else is taken'." - Carol Lake*

Every morning on my way into work I walk past a newspaper and magazine stand. The last time I actually bothered to take a look at any of the magazines on their shelves I, unsurprisingly, found most magazines trying to entice me to buy them by promising me a quick and easy way to the perfect body. Taking their offer seriously I should have the perfectly tall, lean, muscular body structure with long legs, straight, white teeth, long fingers (but not toes) and radiant skin that I have always dreamed of.

24 April 2013

The Baking Experiment presents: Spiced Apple and Elderflower Cupcakes

So I haven’t posted a baking blog in a while, which is unusual for me. But to be honest life has been pretty hectic and with me starting a new job and a lot of personal stuff happening, baking and blogging had to take a step back. As life is starting to calm down a little (Mission: Look after myself a little better!) I spend last Sunday in the kitchen baking cupcakes and Kiss biscuits (blog to follow soon, promise!). 

4 April 2013

Where The Happiness Begins or The True Friendship

"You should see my favourite people;
You catch a glimpse of gold through their skins.
I walk on air whenever I'm with them; They're where the happiness begins.
And I'm alright on my own, but with them I'm much better.
They're like diamonds and diamonds are forever." - BOY, Army

There a people in everyone's life who make it better; who make you feel safe and warm. All they have to do is turn up, be there and suddenly the world is ok. Plain and simple. 

21 March 2013

I Now Declare You Hus.. I Mean Wife And Wife: Thoughts On Same-Sex Marriage

My friend got married in November. It was like many other weddings, big white dress, cake, lots of relatives and friends all gathered to celebrate two people in love making a commitment. Everyone dressed up, everyone bought presents. We danced, we ate, we had fun. 

It was the first (and so far only wedding) I had the pleasure of attending. My friend Ness looked beautiful and so did her bride. Her bride you may ask, yes, her bride. Not only was this my first wedding but also my first ‘gay’ (or shall we say same-sex?) wedding. 

7 March 2013

Playing By The Rules: The Game of Life and Love

I love games. Big fan. Cannot begin to describe how much I love them. Board games that is. Monopoly, Yahtzee, Poker, Game of Life, you name it. I may not be good at them, I may never win, but I will still play. Every time.

Its easy to enjoy a game with friends because in the end its not about winning or losing. It is about spending time with people you love, about having a good time, sharing a laugh. Making memories in the process. Some of my fondest childhood and teenage years memories involve board games. The hours mum, my brother and I spending hours playing card and Yahtzee. A. teaching me poker. My Tassie friends and I playing Monopoly for 7 hours straight.  

4 March 2013

On Hobson's Choice* Or Why Choices Are Hard to Make

Jean-Paul Satre famously once said: “We are our choices.” We all make them. Every day. Some are easy; some are hard. But without making choices we wouldn’t be able to live our lives. Should I wear the black dress or the blue one? The leopard print flats or red heels? Cereal or toast? Herbal or black tea? Wine or Cider? Chocolate or Crisps? All those are questions you can probably answer without giving them much thought. Sure, they may be answered differently depending on the day, the time, the mood you are in.

But what about those difficult decisions? Those that require thought and appear, not matter how we twist and turn things, to never quite lead to what we want? 

21 February 2013

The Baking Experiment Presents: Blackberry Sourecream Octopus Cupcakes

Last week was my final week at my old job with my lovely boss and colleagues. I distinctly remember my boss telling me about the Octopus cake the last leaver baked in my interview. So I knew I had some big shoes to fill, particularly with the reputation of 'Cupcake Queen' in the office.

17 February 2013

The LFW Diaries: Day 1 & 2

I am currently at London Fashion Week working for XO Magazine and love it. It is mental, it is manic and I am shattered after only 2 days but it has been worth it. You can read all my blogs and watch the shows on the site. Its been such a pleasure working with the team and doing LFW this season has just made me want to do more. 

14 February 2013

The Baking Experiment: Muffins with Lemon Butterflies (or Muffins with Lemon Creme Filling)

Thank you for the lovely introduction Charlie! 

Those of you who know me or have visited my blog know that I am little bit addicted to TV. It is not a real addiction because I do not let it interfere with my social life or work. But I love TV series and always have something to watch. One of the suggestions I made in my blog to overcome my TV addiction and make a better use of the time spent watching TV is to multitask. I often do crafts or household chores like ironing while watching an episode. Especially when I am alone my laptop goes with me to the kitchen also. I know I shouldn't do this. The one or other accident while cooking or baking with my laptop near by have showed me why.

13 February 2013

The Baking Experiment Presents Guest Blogger Tina

Tina and I first met at Uni a little over a year ago. Turns out we lived in the same building and becoming friends felt inevitable. A year down the line her and I have survived a year at a top business school, fed lots of squirrels, did pub quizzes and raised a record amount of money for the scholarship fund by baking.

2 more sleeps till London Fashion Week

There is an odd sensation running through my body when I think of Friday. It is my last day at my current job but also the first day of London Fashion Week.

Tickets have been finding their way into my mailbox (both real and virtual) and I couldn't be more excited!

I will be live blogging and tweeting throughout and try and show you a day (or weekend) in the life of a Fashion Journalist.


11 February 2013

Joining Bloglovin' Or Embracing My Inner Hipster

Because it seems like the right thing to do, a way to feel part of the gang, I am officially joining Bloglovin'!

I am embracing my inner hipster. Istagram and my parents will be so proud. Maybe this will one day lead me to actually wear my glasses when I need them (writing & blogging among other things), get me to buy vintage clothing and party in Shoredich (one of the few places in London to make me feel utterly, utterly uncool!).

Welcoming B. back into my life: Being Emotionally attached or why we should invest in timeless pieces

September 3rd was the day when B and I first laid eyes on each other. It was love at first sight. Instant spark. Undeniable chemistry. Made for each other. Since then, B and I have been inseparable. He is soft and warm; comforting. He has been there for me when I needed him. The few days that we have been separated have been miserable. I felt naked without him in my life.

7 February 2013

The Baking Experiment proudly presents Carrot Cupcakes for Olivia

Today is my lovely colleague Olivia's birthday - Happy Birthday! - and thus it was a perfect excuse to try a new recipe. As carrot cake is one of her favorites (I did sneakily find out!) it was an easy choice.

5 February 2013

What’s your number? The day I found virgins assembled on an Internet thread

I stumbled upon a forum today, on a website where students can post in threads and ask each other questions on anything from essay writing, to Uni applications, to movies. And of course sex. Most of the sex related threads were your same old, troubled and bragging teenager kind of questions. However there was one that caught my attention:

3 February 2013

From A Fashion Journalist Point of View: Men’s Fashion Week – Is Fashion getting too ridiculous?

So, London Collections: Men happened. It was my first time doing the shows and hence I had to immerse myself into unknown territory, also known as menswear. While I also had jitters having to face the shows without any support (my lovely friend Rachel who usually comes with me is on a 3 month holiday in East Asia to find herself!) it was more the thought of finding words to review clothes that I will never find myself wearing and while I do appreciate a beautiful and well-fitted suit that is roughly where my knowledge of menswear ends.

1 February 2013

The Baking Experiment: Gingerbread Cupcakes

When my colleague Joe first requested gingerbread cupcakes all that I could think about how much work they were going to be. But after a bit of googling I had made up my mind and set out to make these babies.

31 January 2013

Casual Sex in times of the Internet - http://www.bangwithfriends.com

Surfing the Internet while watching TV with the housemates I stumble upon the newest Facebook app to hit the market: Bang With Friends will anonymously match up Facebook friends for casual sexual encounters. 

There was no way I wouldn’t investigate this any further. Click on the link and it opens up the website asking you to sign into your Facebook. But how does it actually work?! The website itself reveals the following:

On telling the truth

More often than not the truth hurts. Especially if it doesn’t have the outcome we were hoping for. But hurt from truth means moving forward. It means leaving behind what has been and finding something new. Something to fill the gap.

25 January 2013

The Baking Experiment: Coffee Walnut Cupcakes with Coffee Buttercream Icing

All those who know me well (and even those who don't) know that I am a bit of a baker. Cupcakes are a way for me to de-stress and do something creative while also making the people around me happy (and fat hahaha)! Luckily I work in an office at the moment where they appreciate my baking efforts. My beloved housemates N and S had started to complain that I was baking too much (have you ever heard such a thing?) before I started working for Octopus. Now that I landed myself a shiny new job and I will be leaving my current job, friends and boss it has been my mission to bake as much as I possibly can until my last day on the 14th. Currently I am frantically planning my master piece for my last day of work but more on that later. 

24 January 2013

So I am doing it. I am joining the blogosphere. Never thought this would happen....

For years my friends have been telling me to start blogging. But I always felt that I was putting enough of my life and thoughts out there via FB and twitter and that I had to draw the line somewhere. But here I am now, typing away, hoping that there will be someone who might think that what I have to say (about life, fashion, films) and what I do (baking mainly) is actually interesting and worth while reading.