24 January 2013

So I am doing it. I am joining the blogosphere. Never thought this would happen....

For years my friends have been telling me to start blogging. But I always felt that I was putting enough of my life and thoughts out there via FB and twitter and that I had to draw the line somewhere. But here I am now, typing away, hoping that there will be someone who might think that what I have to say (about life, fashion, films) and what I do (baking mainly) is actually interesting and worth while reading.

But who am I, you may find yourself wondering. My name is Charlotte, Charlie to my friends and family (expect my dad!). Currently, I live in the city of my dreams, London, and work as a communications exec during the day. At night I am a freelance writer and semi-professional cupcake baker, which is pretty much what you can expect to find here.

I have, to borrow the phrase from my favourite film 'Mary and Max', "uddles" of friends all around the world who I cherrish very much. Originally I stem from Germany and came to the UK via the beautiful Australian island Tasmania where I spend 2 years of my life. I still consider it to be part of my heritage and will melt at someone with an Aussie accent.

I have a weakness for Tim Tams: Hate oranges: Dream of owning a pet pig: Obsessed with bobble hats: Cant walk in high heels to save my life; Like eating Nutella straight out of the jar; Dislike being cold and wet - despite going to boot camp weekly; And love anything that glitters.

That is it for now. I am all blogged out. At least until a spur of creativity will hit my brain. This may be in the next 5 minutes, the next 5 days or after 5 glasses of wine which may be consumed by me and Lara later tonight.
